Saturday, May 21, 2011

Let's make this world a safer place

Healthy Child Healthy World

Take a tour of the Health EHome to see how you can make your home a healthier place for the whole family.

Cleaning products can be scary, they contain lots of harmful ingredients so a few years ago I stopped using them. Now I clean everything with just a few essential ingredients;

Salt, Lemons, Vinegar, and Baking Soda

They work great and it's much more enjoyable for me to clean when I know I am not polluting myself, my home and the environment.

1 comment:

  1. hey I'm portuguese and I just want to say you have there a really good blog's name, I found your blog 'cause I wanted that name but I couldn't have it so I searched who's using just to say: really nice choice :D good luck with everything
